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After the success of the much anticipated Doctor Strange 2nd movie – Multiverse of Madness. We see here one of the illuminatis member, Blackbolt the leader of the inhuman.

This statue is obviously a museum type statue of Blackbolt, with a very simple pose. Comes with 2 portrait switchouts and nothing else.

Looking at the base its your typical museum type base which is round. Its not painted with just black though, as we see blackbolt’s logo on the front and this thunder like designs all throughout the bottom of the base. Going up is we see a head of a statue. Not sure who this is but kinda looks like Doctor Strange. At the back of this head we see some burn marks and some honeycomb patterns.

Moving up to Blackbolt himself. We can clearly see he is very muscular here. With a very simple pose or as we call it the captain morgan pose. Comes with 2 portrait switchouts, the first one is the very traditional look and the look we are very accustomed to and its even the looks used in the Movie. The next portrait is the one with the white paint on the upper half of the face, dont know what that is or where its inspired from.

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