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Here we have the american carnage 1/4 scale custom statue. This is greatly inspired from one of the comic covers of carnage. No idea really on what happened in that story line, but pretty sure its chaotic since its Carnage.

So this doesnt come with any switchouts but you have the option to choose not to display the american flag. The tendrils can also be removed, but thatll leave you with a few holes on carnage’s body.

Talking more about the statue. The base looks like a pretty old pillar with a lot of details sculpted to it. We also see some of carnages symbiote crawling up to him or maybe down to the ground.

Going up to carnage himself, we see his very slim body – kinda like spiderman. We see some black symbiote like veins on his body as well as tendrils which is not attached to his body. A lot of details sculpted to his body which kinda looks like muscle fibers. Also looking at his hands it looks like he is spreading his symbiote to the ground since its painted black. His eyes kinda looks like its a bug type of eye with some red veins painted to it. Then lastly is we see a translucent tongue.

Like I said in the beginning no switchouts but the amercan cape is removable.


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